
  • how to get surfer hair

    How to Get Surfer Hair (Even If You’re Nowhere Near a Beach)

    A lot of hairstyles float in and out of fashion depending on the year, but there’s one look that’s as timeless as it is desirable: surfer hair. The term surfer hair emerged in the 1960s when magazines like Billboard and...

  • how to grow hair out men

    Want to Grow Out Your Hair? Don’t Ignore These 6 Tips

    Growing out your hair is kind of like getting in shape. You’re bursting with enthusiasm in the beginning because you’re fantasizing about how awesome the end result will look. But once the initial excitement wears off, you start to feel...

  • 6 Nasty Things That Happen If You Don’t Wash Your Hair

    6 Nasty Things That Happen If You Don’t Wash Your Hair

    It’s long overdue, but guys are starting to realize how much damage over-washing does to their hair—especially with traditional shampoo. The good news is that a lot of dudes no longer have poofy “shampoo hair.”  The bad news? Many of...

  • Wondering How Often to Wash Your Hair? Answer This Question First.

    Wondering How Often to Wash Your Hair? Answer This Question First.

    Right now, there are thousands (perhaps millions) of guys standing in the shower, staring at their shampoo bottle, wondering if they should wash their hair today. Wash too often and you’ll dry out your hair; skip too many days and...

  • co-washing hair men

    What Is Co-Washing? The Hair Hack Every Guy Needs to Know

    It’s no secret that your hair can get very filthy, very fast—especially if you’re a regular at the gym. But if you go down the rabbit hole of hair care advice, you might learn that it’s bad to wash your...